Thursday, July 05, 2007

PhOtos GaloRe*

Courtesy of 3 cams.

and for the benefit of all...
if u are wondering y.. the many repeated pics;
its because each time,

diff ppl are looking at diff cams!
haha. so well well.. i uploaded all.
thers 1 more cam's to go thou!

but yes.. i must be too lazy.. so here u go

ThankYou all. Enjoy.

*incase the link's nt working.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

2007. another yr. Even more bleSSed. by.U

tears of joy.
it was.

reading the girls blogs..
the words frm jj..
words frm yh..
i am so lucky.
i really am.

i cldnt slep alrdy.
had to wake up to hear the storied behind!
but loved by You all.

thks to the everSo Red family of mine.
i know YOU are the best.
suddenly i feel like im the girl in "wei siao pasta"haha.
i really am the princess Huh~

jj: "did u msg ur dajie.. she really dote on u u know...
saw her sweating so much.. n she stil keep asking me to stay away frm the bbQ"
" ur dad was so tired! i saw him sitting there looking realy tired.."....

:) i know..i really know.
i know im their lil girl.
n i always will.
thats y im so lucky.

i tnk.. i have to withstand the foo family's "takan" for a long while!

best moment.
the CheerS' b4 we left.
n my crappy speech on the bench!

the phrase of the night frm my sis
".. if cindy is getting married.. i think im gonna migrate.."

told u.. 我们''是幸' FOO' 的!

to my OLd girlfrens.+ spouses!

Did u all check out the YUMMMMY sALads!!???!!!??!!!
oh did i say its super preettty too?n not forgetting the yummy drink :)

hmph. what can i say abt this bunch of annoying lovable frens!
they never let me worry.
they bring their bf to do all the "sai kang".
they are not afraid to say the worst comments!
they always love the present n wan to own another set of present they buy me! hahhahaha.
they always make me feel so safe n assured with them around...

thku for being my decade old fren.thku for nt letting any1 get tummy ache! haa.
thku for always being at every part of my life.
n being part of my biG family!!!!!

they got me this super cute princess candy ferry card.
n it wrote"(front) She's cute! She's fun! She's swet! She's smart! She walks away with every heart!(inside) She's proud! She's cool! She'd curious too! She's fabulous! She is you! & dollyn added.." AND SHE IS CRAZY TOOO! " ahahhahaa. champion! i like~


the boys~

same old pattern
same old love :)
they dun like to show it.
but i like to force them to show it!

thku for being ther when i need u all.
thku for letting me be rebellious when i need to.
thku for adding sillyness n horrrribleness when im dreming..
thku for making me happy always..
n thku for... loving ur lil girl. she has outgrown being a lil boy!

best phrase " nvm la.. its ok!.. bcus.. ONE YEAR ONCE only! haha.
but for u only cindyfoo!"& "..ur fringe fringe fringe... smile la!" haha.



they make me melt.
they make me cry.
they shop for me like forever?
i knw bcus they shop w me in mind..
n they wan the best gift for e crappy me.

did u see the girls cook?

i love them.
i love the cupcakes.
i love the card (thers magic that makes the girl beautiful in the shining jewel box -it wrote).
i love the bag.i love everything.
i love the lovely lovely- nesssy seventies way we wld behave to live like lil girls.

i just know they never fail to assure me.
n they always remind me of how loved i am..
thats the sweetest thing..bcus we all need such reminders as it multiplies it all!

i LOVE my sventies.
LOVE LOVE LOVE - Mika tune.

best moment. June bbQ.Kl n xy Melting in the heat!
Issac got bullied by me! haha.Ginny being my bestest camera ger!
thku for the flower issac- it completes the nite.


i got this bunch of swet Dajies-jies.
they dote me.they pamper me.
they protect me.

and made me feel like i got another 3 dajies!
hahaanow i got 6?

its amazing the kind of frenship i have with them.
its amazing.
it realy is.
thku for loving my sis.. n loving me just like her!

best moment.CYNTHIA bbQing!...
they laze @ the seats.. n the sramble to maintain the pretty image! haa.

my baobei~

she ar.
he's everywhere.
she's very busy!
she's super duper everywhere.
n she wore red!

thers so much to say..
theres do much love.
n im hers tmr! hahahha.

its amazing i din bbq @ my plce. yet @ hers..
yet i feel so comfy.
thku aunty!!!!!

our relationship is..special.
baobei ar.
thers this tym when u hug me tight tight for a pic.
we really very long nver hug tight tight!

thku for loving me.
doting me.
n trying so hard to
make it perfect for me.
i know. its my standards. im a hard nut. but u scored ger!!!!

best moment.our parents meet!(omg we sound like les!)

the bf.

he ar.
do alll the sai'kang.
complain to my sis i never invite his mum.
nag n nag n nag.

he ar..
so love the watch he buy me.
so proud of it..
n warn me nt to scratch it.
n remind me nt to be late.

n he have yet wish me hapy bday.

loves the naggy bf..
for reasons i duno.
hmm... mayb its the naggyness.
mayb its the lameness..
maybe its when his gf becus silly..
u wld find him standing at a corner..looking at her..
n only voices out when that a kind of shelter?
or is he admiring her courage to nonsence?ha.
i do not know.

but.i know he constantly reminds me of how lucky i am.
n y he say.. he cnt pamper me too much,
bcus im alrdy pampered by my family.
oi bf. lamest reason!

bt thku for being a part of me..

best moment.boon n him @ the fire.
he stops the other couples n steals 3 shots w me.
staring @ the watch at the lift like he hopes to be a woman! haha

the other buds that came.. ( and almost did )
that completed the picture.

this amazing uncle fren @ sch.
thku for the effort. shes swet~

- shawn u owe me.

* ter came w/o greg.
i mis the gay couple. whers their gf sher?

- chin says he owes me pizza.

- edwin msg me the lamest thing.
but its really swet.
edwin, i know u hope to be here..
CASTaway that leg soon ok?

- jr's sweetest call n apologies.
he just love to say sorry hor. silly.

- xt's stil mugging!

*mr K n jean.
mr k.n i have a special frenship
n i always thk him for it. glad it happened..
n hopes to never walk away frm it.
i see him being very much happi..
i really hope for the best for him.
thku for shoppping for me. miss shopping w u.
u owe me forever! haha.

*Ian & Jen
how pretty can ur pres get?!!!
its pretty prettttty so pretty!
thku for extending ur frenship to me.
the lov n effort.t
hku thku thku.
i saw jen sleping in the car.
thku for waiting.. omg. how cld i. hmph. just thku

- jo jo tried! thku alrdy ger.

- KY! my dearest!thku for shopping.
" quite nice the watch. only u will wear this kind la" KY!!!! hahahah
ur the sweetest of all. bcus u say she irrrrritating-est yet bestest words.

hmm.. who else?the few that found out?
thku. just thku.

for being a PART OF

Loving u all.loving the presentS n the prettttttttiest cards.

i hope every1 enjoyed the food.

pics whld be up soon..compiling.
its a long 1 huh!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

For U who made it so special...

Hey everyone!
Yup its me..
the 'super thick skin' bday ger on sat.

After Saturday's party of mine.
my mind was filled with Thanks and filled with overwhelming LOVe from everyone.
I was thinking if i should write a thanku card or smth... but i guess technology nowadays helps me save much! :P so i decided to create this lil blog to share me thoughts and thanks to all that has made my 21st Bday smth so memorable and special!

-bear with me if its gonna be super long n draggy! :P

So here it goes..

To my family:
My daddy,Mummy,Dajie,ErJie,SanJie n Bro inlaw.

Thanku for all you've done, spent and sacrifice for me for making saturday such a great nite!
Saturday didnt just happened, it was planned by many.
My family of 7 has been behind all the planning and effort.
From fri morn. Sue and i alrdy went grocery shopping. U should see our shopping list!
anyways to cut it short.
-Grace n mike were the ppl behind all the chauffering of chairs, tables,fetching of My 'princess' balloons, buying of cups,plates etc etc....
-sue was shopping with me since duno when. from the ordering of balloons,the papercups, bbqing all the tym on sat....
-angie was at hm all morn with mum to help with the jelly, curry,n all the preps! n nt forgetting e picky me of choosing my 'right' bday cake!
-mum was the Best aunty of the evning! ha.. did u see her running arnd helpping me w the guest? she started making jelly the nite b4 le!!
-dad was in the rain all morn as he ran errands for me, market-ing, sending n picking up stuffs, cleaning etc etc!!!!

Sat evening was pouring mad... my family was all in the rain helping me transporting the tables n chairs, protecting my ballooon, preparing the buffet, the lights, cleaning the place...
no words could describe how much i appreciate everything my wnderful family has done!
all that ive mentioned were just the tiny bits they've done...
to my family... I LOVE U ALL.... n btw, ur baby ah ger has grown up! :)

To my relatives:

THanku all for being such great Sports!!
i remembered the moment when we were distributing the cakes. Aunty Ah ling was saying :" ...aiyah.. our F&B never do work!!.." - smth like that..

it was really a heart warming moment!!!!
to all my aunts! thnku all for cumming!!! ur ang pows...ur love, hugs. smiles n making the place a livelier place wiith the Kids and all.. n just simply making the place so warm!
Sorry if i werent able to 'entertain' u guys ! just thanku thanku thanku for cumming!!!

its amazing the smile ,hapi-noise u all filled the place with!!!

just thankU!...
u made my mummy n daddy vvvv happy too!
We all just love Family meetings dont we?! :)
ur Yan yAn has grown up tOo!!


To my Bf:

hey dear.
THnku for all u've done.
i gues i shall not be so mushy n aunty here! ha.
u know wad i mean.
seeing u in e rain carrying things, cleaning up after all has left, not sleeping, giving me ur support, letting ur crazy gf hav wad she want... like 'the moon' - that moon was no easy job to fix up~ n so many other silly ideas i wanted.... spending the weekend there for me despite having ur 2 exam papers the nxt day. Being a chaffuer all day n nite.... not eating and just running errands n errands n errands for me... n so many more!!!!! dear. THku.

i guess that moment when my dad drag u in the picture w me n him... haha.. to me that was a magical moment! :)
i saw u sacrificing so much... doing so much for me.. @ abt 2am ..yumi was telling me..cinds..jj's eyes were so red ... n he is stil driving ppl hm n all.. n when i told her u havnt even eaten.. she was like huh!!.... :)

u shld know how overwhelmed i was...
Thanku for just making me feel so loved and being part of my family!.. n ofcus.. thanku for all the 'sai kang' uve done.. n ofcus... making ur gf the happiest girl that nite!
just thanku...

- nt forgetting ur mum!.. how well she kept my garden cake safe! :P n being there..


TO mike's family :
Hey aunties n uncles, Daniel, LongLong n Gf:
Thanks for the lovely presents, being great relatives and making urself so at home w my family! u guys came early and yet stayed all the way! really appreciate it! Its so heartwarming that u are part of my family now! the more the merrier!! :P Mike's been great! :P helping me so much w my sis n all.... im just loving him more!haha anyways... its really an honour to have u all there @ my lil party! THANKU vvv much :)


To my older Frens! :P
Cynthia, evelyn, Linda & Janet!

Linda. Thanku For everything.!
thku for braving the rain tranporting my Princess balloon.. bbqing w my sister! u r really really a swethart! vv gandong!!! u really treat me like ur sister leh! thku... all the sweat! i saw ur so very wet tee while u were bbqing!!!!.... linda thku.. btw, i love the flowery Straw bag u got me! Janet! thku so much too.. helping me so much all day!!! n being like another jie jie!
And to cynthia n evelyn!
cynthia,,, i thks for being there despite being so tired after wrk!! n ofcus excusing me frm wrk just bcus its my bday! :P
n evelyn... thks for being such a gd sport too!!! :P
U guys are just like my jie jies!!



(this is gonna be so long!!)


Kee Yun:
hey gurl! thks for cumming.. being my best mate @ work..:P
i so lurve the gift u got me! ha.. yes Gurls Rule!


Dee,taz & shah, jocelyn n bf:
Hey my soccer babes! :P
thks for cumming all the way.. thought tym was short but i really appreciate u all for cumming!


ZHengyi n bf:
U r such a swethart.
the moment i opened ur gift... 'kissses'! yea u r my best snack mate @ wrk b4... n will always be! n when i lift up the choc... there were so many ear rings underneathe!!!!!
u r such a swet!
i know it all bring back swet memories of wrk...our chocs logic n cutey dressings! so love u!thks for cumming!!!


To Ian & Jen:

Tx for cumming all the way.. being ur bud's gf.. its always my pleasure to share such days w U. hey i love the perfume!! n thks for keeping jen occupied!!! :)


Audrey , Jared & brillyan:
Guys. u all were amazing.. so long nvr meet stil as crazy n nice to me!!
thanks for being there... snapping pics, being excited n e great gift!!
Brill how u know i like butterfly?? n Aud n jared.. how u know i always lose my earrings? ha.
just thkU


Dollyn&Joel,Weng,Fengrui n Jo:
the ppl i know for 14yrs??
ha close liao if i stil say thku v drama rite! ha.
but really.
esp to dollyn n weng.
with me since fri! helping me get the cleaners n ppl to fix the place.. acc me.. cleaning w me... u all were like w me all the way! Dollyn.. i tnk i really owe u n joel big tym! haha.. did u count the no. of tym i 'borrowed' joel? hah.. n weng.. thku for helping me all the way.... really. when u thank me back for keeping u occupied.. i was tnking.. 'babe...u made my day mre then u realised' n for Rui n Jo.. for the rush n all u all were super woman! ha!

To Xiangting, Keigo,Edwin n Eka:

Ger. thku for helping me n being there early... know u were tired!! n i even made u help me w the washing!!!!!! u r so marry-able (ppl!!!!) ha... n MR K.. yesh ur swet card! n for being so excited n all . helping out !! thku MR K. n edwin n eka! ( ppl he is the owner of the amazing moon) ha.. not for u.. my party wld hav been so dim n empty! :P thkku for being such a gd bud to jj n yh! haha... n im so greatful for u for lending me the tables,chairs n ur so expensive MOON! ed. thku! n also to TT n Jr. hey.. i loved the ShufR!


To Yihsuan(my baobei):

Yes ger... its ur turn!!
ha. my buddy
thks for eevrything!
frm the earlier plannings till the end... being such a gd help n close bud to me n my family!
ya la.. u r e besT! hah. nt forgeting the card u made! wah 1st tym hor do card! i tot only i do card for u?! haha.. n oso..getting the girls frm Aussie,Us n UK to send me those so hart Warming bday wishes!! ger... u r so so so so swet u made me feel so loved. w u arnd frankly i really very 'fang xin' for u to help my parents!!!!

haha.. i tnk u shld know how close my family r w u le hor! hehe...
n nt forgetting sharing w me the tots after that. n supporting me since my silly ideas set foot months ago!!
love u babe!!


TO my guy Buds n jeanette:

(thks for shopping for the jersey... u know it always warms my hart to hear storys of u boys shopping for me. :P )

to Yusoon, stan, Ed, fred, boon...
firstly, mr ed Tan. that day was ur bday... n yet u came rgt after ur celebration @ hm.. n i know u rushed dwn w jeanette w/o waiting for Stan bcus i told u i wan u there by 9+! thku..
- uu.. i know u did 'extra'- so that u cld skip ur wrk that nite.. for me.. thku so much.. i appreciate it..
-for stan. u rush rgt aftr ur ndp thingy... i know it was so rush..but u made it by cakey tym..
-for boon... thks for spending ur few hrs of book out tym for me... n rushed bk camp on dawn!

in e beginning... when i heard u all cldnt make it bcus of army stuff i was quite upset..bcus u all were my buds. but when uall made ur promise to me..that was enuff.). n despite those 'rude n noisy' behaviour u all gave me that nite!!!!! i know deep dwn u all nt like that 1.. u all always dote n look after me... i know n feel it.. thru those since sec sch.. i know each of u...ur personality n character... thats y i know that u all will try ur best to make it.. n when i say by cakey tym..u all came by cakey tym! haha.. as demanding i am..
thks guys!


to Sventies:
yes babes.. its u guys!

ok.. yumi 1st!
thks ger!!!!! u came on sat morn.. helped me w my deco! ( ppl she's the lady behind the Cind's turning 21) haah...n u return @ midnite to help me clear up! this ger really tried her best just to be arnd despite that she has stuff on sat! gurl.. thats more then enuff...
u really really made me felt so so so loved!! big HUGSS hah.. n hey.. i love the the RED BAG!!

lob-XY: this ger ah came early to help me w deco!!! n left to jj concert! ha
but she was sucha babe... she felt so bad nt staying n called me when jj was singing the yu char kuey n soya bean song! hahaha. she was there to fix up the boards n taking pics n she was the on eon msn w me all wk to hear me nag!thku ger n i love the case frm PRINTS!!! its so prettY!

Ginny ger- u r so so so creative! u shld see the pretty glass frame she made!! jia lat standard vv high! hhaha.. gin ger.. u r e swettest! i love e card!

Kl.mgoose- mgoose ar.. thks for rushing ther after wrk!!! n keeping the goosling accupied!! haha... i love ur card! i love the pic.. eh kl.. ur standard improve le!!!

Junejune- i tuned to u b4 pic tym bcus u r my june june! :) sumtyms sum frenship will nver fade! love utoo... u know wad i mean.

HL babe-.. hey thks for being there.. esp w issac .. 1st tym having him arnd as a grp! really happy that it was on my bd. i hope i didn frighten him! :P btw.. i loveee the card u made! buttons!!!! thksss babe.


its so so long!
i hope i didnt miss out anyone!
-pardon my broken n messy writing! ha. i just cldnt stop writing n writing.. all at one go!

i feel those goosebumps all over when i was looking @ the pics.

Saturday was not just about cakey blowing, pres, frens, food or deco.. but to me..
It was a nite filled w so much love!
the love around me from everyone was overwhelming! really!
seeing everyone helping around making my bday up... that was amazing.. i know it may sound drama-rama! but to me.. its was really really like that!

People.. i'll never forget that nite!
i love u all! :)

plenty of love,hugs n kisses..
my appreciation to all that came n made the birthday ger really really special...

Not forgetting the lovely flowers i got to complete my garden party!
& to rap up ! enjoy the pics @